Youth Valley, Lausanne


  • Contracting authority :

    Services industriels de Lausanne (S.I.L.)

  • Years :

    2016 - 2017

  • Project manager :


The project to illuminate the Youth Valley park is part of the implementation of the City of Lausanne’s Lighting Plan, which we designed  in 2011.

The concept of illumination is defined in terms of two main ‘layers’ of intervention:

  • The ‘background’: comfortable lighting of the main path with ‘warm’ white luminaires on pole and subtle lighting of the side paths with low ‘neutral’ white bollards. 
  • Landmarks’ or vertical elements: accentuate the different entrances to the park with luminous graphic signage and bluish lighting, highlight remarkable architectural elements (dating from Expo 64) and a few touches of light on certain plant elements to help users find their way around.