Saint-Aubin Church, Bellevaux


  • Contracting authority :

    Parish council

  • Years :


  • Project manager :

    Radiance35 (working for Jean-Louis JORIS, architecure)

The listed Church of Saint-Aubin in Bellevaux, next to Malmedy, enjoys a excellent visibility thanks to its hillside location.

For the outside of the Church, Radiance suggest a diffuse lighting over the entire building with some shades of pinkish white to match the colour of the stone. The tower features a more saturated pinkish light in order to highlight the different periods of construction. The new stained glass window in the chancel is slightly highlighted by the interior lighting.

The interior of the church is bathed in warm light, giving it a warm and reassuring atmosphere. The light in staged using different beam orientations.

Photo credits : Radiance35
  • Infographie Radiance35
  • Croquis Radiance35